A progressive Node.js framework
Write backends, apps or libraries while minimizing configuration and boilerplate.
Serverless Ready
Produce compiled and minified builds for faster download from npm and quicker cold starts on serverless environments.
Feature Rich
Live-reload, errors diagnostics, missing dependencies autoinstall, import/export syntax...
Out-of-the-box support for Babel, TypeScript, ESLint, Database, Express, Apollo, Unit Testing, E2E Testing...
The plugin system allows the community to build and share reusable solutions to common needs.
Designed for Teams
Need to install a plugin? Got a DB to create? Seed? Nodepack got powerful and extensible migration/rollback systems!
# Quick start
Install the Command-Line Interface:
npm install -g @nodepack/cli
# OR
yarn global add @nodepack/cli
Create a project:
nodepack create my-project
Run it in development mode:
cd my-project
# Sponsors
# Become a sponsor
Is your company using Nodepack to build awesome apps or libraries? Join the other patrons and become a sponsor to add your logo on this documentation! Supporting me on Patreon allows me to work more on Free Open Source Software such as Nodepack! Thank you!
# Join the community!
Needing help or wanting to engage with fellow Nodepack users? Join the discussion! Helping other is also contibuting a great deal to this Open Source project!
# Found a bug ?
Please search if the issue is already reported here! You can also propose new features.