# Environments & Variables

Environement variables allow you to define values to be used by build tools or your code specific to your environment or needs. This is very useful for example to change the server endpoints or the API keys of external services used in different environments.

In a typical backend project, you will want different environments like development, test, staging and production. For a library or a tool, development, test and production (for publishing to Npm) would suffice.

# Environment files

You can specify env variables by placing the following optional files in your project root:

.env                       # always loaded
.env.local                 # always loaded, ignored by git
.env.[environment]         # only loaded in specified environment
.env.[environment].local   # only loaded in specified environment, ignored by git

You can set environment variables only available to a certain env by postfixing the .env file. For example, if you create a file named .env.development in your project root, then the variables declared in that file will only be loaded in development environment.

An .env file simply contains key=value pairs of environment variables:


Warning about NODE_ENV

If you have a default NODE_ENV in your environment, you should either remove it or explicitly set NODE_ENV when running service commands.

Loaded variables will become available to all service commands, plugins and dependencies.

# Loading Priorities

An env file for a specific env (e.g. .env.production) will take higher priority than a generic one (e.g. .env).

For example, in the production environment Nodepack service will try to load in this order if they exist:

  1. .env.production.local
  2. .env.production
  3. .env.local
  4. .env

# Environments

An Environment is a specific state your define for your project. It will change which environment variables are set (with notably NODE_ENV which is used accross the wider node.js ecosystem).

By default, there are two envs in a Vue CLI project:

  • development is used by nodepack-service dev
  • production is used by nodepack-service build


Each environment automatically set NODE_ENV to the same value by default. For example, NODE_ENV will be set to "development" in development environment.

You can overwrite the default environment used for a service command by passing the --env flag. For example, if you want to use development variables in the build command, add this to your package.json scripts:

"dev-build": "nodepack-service build --env development",

# Example: Staging Mode

Assuming we have a project with the following .env file:


And the following .env.staging file:

  • nodepack-service build will load .env, .env.production and .env.production.local if they exist;

  • nodepack-service build --env staging will load .env, .env.staging and .env.staging.local if they exist.

In both cases, the project is built as a production app because of the value of NODE_ENV. However in the staging version, process.env.DATABASE is overwritten with a different value than in the production environment.

# Hard-coded values

The env variables that start with NODE_APP_ will be statically written with webpack.DefinePlugin. This is useful if you want to distribute your built files on npm or easily deploy your app without worrying about your hosting platform settings.

For example, in your project source code:


During build, process.env.NODE_APP_SECRET will be replaced by the corresponding value. In the case of NODE_APP_SECRET=secret, it will be replaced by "secret" as a string.


You can have computed env vars in your nodepack.config.js file. This is useful for version info for example:

process.env.NODE_APP_VERSION = require('./package.json').version

module.exports = {
  // Nodepack project config here

The current env mode will be also hard coded with the process.env.NODEPACK_ENV value:

if (process.env.NODEPACK_ENV === 'staging') {
  console.log(`I'm on staging!`)

# Local Only Variables

Sometimes you might have env variables that should not be committed into your version control, especially if your project is hosted in a public repository. You should then use an .env.local file instead. Local env files are ignored in .gitignore by default.

.local can also be appended to environment-specific env files, for example .env.development.local will be loaded during development, and will also ignored by git.