# Environment Migrations

This second type of migrations is meant for the user specific environment. A typical example would be the Database, which needs to be created, seeded and updated as the development of the project progresses.

The big difference with the app migrations is that the results of the migrations shouldn't be put into version control (like Git) because it depends on each user environment. By default Nodepack will put /.nodepack/env-migration-records.json into /.nodepack/.gitignore.

A environment migration can execute any code, for example SQL queries to update a developer Database schema after another developer on the same project made changes to the app.

# Create migrations

To set up some env migrations in your project, create a migration/env folder at the root of the project. Then you can create any number of JS files in this folder that exports an up function:

// migration/env/201907282100-create-user-table.js

// Migration
exports.up = async (context) => {
  // ...

// Rollback
exports.down = async (context) => {
  // ...

The migration functions gets the context as argument.

The migrations will be executed depending on the file name in alphabetical order. Thus it is recommended to use a timestamp as the start of the file name. For example:


Migrations will be applied automatically during any Maintenance.

# Rollbacks

Available soon...